Posts tagged demetri parides
Nighted Life Introduces: Demetri Parides

Who are you?
Hi, I’m Demetri, father of 2, husband to 1, born and raised in the suburbs of Long island. Documenting life on film.

What do you look for, if anything, when taking photos?  
I’m a people watcher by nature so my eyes are always scanning my surroundings. I’m not really sure I look for a specific thing when shooting. If something catches my eyes I snap without thinking, if you have to think about the shot the moment is already gone.

When was the last time you witnessed something unexplainable?
I have 2 girls under the ages of 3, with these 2 every day I witness something unexplainable.

Where is your favorite place to be?
One day it will be Japan but until I go there its Montauk. 

Why do you live the way you do?
If you asked me this 3 years ago you would of gotten a different answer, but now I have 2 amazing little girls who my life revolves around and I’m loving the chaos!