Posts tagged madison east

NIGHTED Life Presents: Madison East

What’s your life like?
My life is my work. I make work to influence my life, the activities that I do, the people that I surround myself with. You can see the spectrum of silence to clamor my world can be. I am always stressed out because I put too much on my plate, but I channel this energy into my collages, photos, and books. 

Why film? How do you feel about editing?
Honestly, I don’t know why I still shoot film. I do enjoy the process of shooting, Costco dumping, and scanning 5 photos at a time! But, man, it can be a hassle when you just want to see those moments you sacrificed a real experience for. I’m terrible at editing photos. Editing/cleaning: I like. Editing/weeding out the ‘bad’ ones: I want someone else to do that for me.

Looks like you’re very down with Olympus point n shoots.. Any particular reason?
My favorite camera and the best photos I have taken came from my Olympus XA. I was assisting a commercial photographer years ago and one of the editors of the magazine we were shooting for was side-shooting with an XA. I asked him about his compact camera and he told me it was an Olympus XA. I went home and found one online. It’s the most efficient camera. All metal. I have been shooting with a Contax T2 ever since the focus blacked out on my XA. It’s a great camera, but nothing compares to the XA.

Where do the ideas come from for your posed photos?
My ideas come from the landscape I want to shoot in, on, and around. It’s kind of like a collage; I have this pre-existing plane in my head and I just need the right components to layer on top.
I like shooting outdoors because I like using flash. I like how the sun is not forgiving. I live in Los Angeles and all anyone ever thinks about is the sun. I’m scared to live anywhere else.

What are you thinking about 2014? 
2014 has been kind to me. I’ve done many things in the first month of this new year that I did thought the entirety of last year: put my second book out, helped curate a one-night show, hosted my first house show with friends’ bands. I am very excited to meet my new fellow NIGHTED friends in Seattle.

What can the good people of Seattle expect from you at our Feb. 22 NIGHTED Show?
The good people of Seattle can expect a fresh collage zine from me as well as some nice prints. I have never been to Seattle so I am looking forward to seeing my work in a brand new environment.