Posts tagged all grown up

Nighted Life Presents: Deanskii

A chat with the homie Deanskii about his NIGHTED life…

Who are you?

I go by the name of Deanskii, just your average everyday photographer hailing from Los Angeles, California. 23 year old with a 17 year old mindset. Just kidding?

What’s your life like?
My life is chill and laid back. Nothing too out of the ordinary- just work, school and taking pictures of all my dumbass friends and the situations we get ourselves into.

Why do you do what you do?
I do what I do because I can. I’m the friend of the group that bugs everyone to hang out with me. I’m a real life burden, my friends just use me for my photos. I get easily influenced to do a lot of things, plus I don’t usually work early on the weekends so its not a hassle to wake up at 1pm or sleep all day if I have to.

How do you operate?
On my friends’ bad influences, my drug habits, monster recovery, all while knowing I have a lot of funny ass photos stored. 

What’s next?
Eventually come up with another zine, work more with Nighted. I want to get into more art shows and start shooting lookbooks and stray away from taking pictures that I normally take. In the next year or so I want to have my own solo show somewhere where everyone can black out and have lots of fun.

There you have it, the life of a real photo boss!
Go peep DEANSKII.COM and pick up his new zine, “All Grown Up”.