Posts tagged jonathan sherman

NIGHTED Life 9: Gone

Through film photos and personal writing, 8 photographers were asked to answer one of three questions:

What’s the closest you’ve ever come to dying?
What do you want done with your body when you die?
Which death has had the biggest impact on your life and why?

“NIGHTED Life 9: Gone” is a 44-page full color zine featuring work from:
Olivia Garner
Kris Kirk
Siggy Bodolai
Kelly Graham
Jonathan Sherman
Brandon Aighty
Julia Rinaldi
Graham Meyer

Limited to 140 copies. International shipping available.

Out now at


Jonathan Sherman: As the World Turns

Leading up to the release of “NIGHTED Life 9: Gone” on March 1st, we’re posting one interview a day with each contributor. In this zine, 8 shooters respond with photos and writing to one of three questions.

What’s the closest you’ve ever come to dying?

What do you want done with your body when you die?

Which death has had the biggest impact on your life and why?

1. Without going into detail, can you share which question you decided to answer for NL9?
I decided to share my closest call with death.

2. Where did you grow up? What was it like?
I grew up in a dysfunctional suburban household bordering the city of Toronto. My neighborhood offered me very little, so at a young age, I began distancing myself from home as much as possible. I got into skateboarding at around 13 or so and from then on, I spent most of my time hanging out in the city’s downtown core.

3. How did you decide to start shooting film?
I have been around film cameras my whole life, so it was only natural I started using one of my own. My uncle was a photojournalist for LIFE, Time and a few other major magazines from the 60s through to the 90s. He’s done some pretty crazy work. Ron Laytner, look him up. Anyway, my first camera belonged to him long before it belonged to me.

4. What types of situations do you find you point your lens towards most commonly? Where was your head at while compiling shots for NL9?
What I shoot seems to always change. Lately, I’ve been really into wall mounted objects as bizarre as that may sound. My head wasn’t in a particularly different than usual space for this project. I am, however, really excited to see what everyone else put together. From what I’ve been hearing it’s going to be pretty heavy.

5. In 10 words or less, what do you think truly – as far as you can explain or imagine –  happens to a person after death?
Nothing and the world keeps turning.

Instagram: @normalandboring



This issue, we gave 10 contributors four pages each. The result is 40 pages packed with full color photos, collages and writing. 8.5x5.5, full bleed on matte coated paper.

Jonathan Sherman
William Moncayo
Kelsey Reckling
Evan McKnight
Clark Allen
Yui Fukunaga
Joseph Rayo
Hannah Rubin
Nick Garcia

Cover Art:: Kris Kirk

Limited to 140 copies. International shipping available.

Available by itself or with a t-shirt featuring the cover art at